Monday, March 24, 2008

Some Useful Phrases

While most of the younger generation in Europe do speak basic English, here are some phrases that may come in handy during our trip, Ed and I took Spanish in high school so I skipped it on the list:

Also despite what Rui adamently claims.... Chinese (particularly mandarin) is not a global universal language that will get us around Europe (outside of European Chinatowns).

Es tut mir Leid= I am sorry
HALLO= hello
AOF VEE-DER-ZAYN = goodbye
BIT-TE =please
Danke= thank you
NET SEE KEN-NEN ZU LER-NEN= it is nice to meet you
BRING-EN SEE MICH ZU MY-NEM HO-TEL = take me to my hotel
Wo ist die Toilette? = where is the bathroom
VY-VEAL KOS-TET DAS =how much does this cost
Sprechen Sie Englisch? = Do you speak English?
Entschuldigung-Excuse me
Wieviel kostet das?-How much does that cost
Ich heiße... - I am called...
Es tut mir Leid- I Am Sorry
Ich spreche kein Deutsch- I don't speak German
nein- No
Wiederholen Sie bitte - Please repeat
Ja- yes

Hallo - Hello
Tot ziens - Good bye
Ja- yes
Nee- No
Alstublieft - Please
Dankuwel - Thanks
Ik heet .. - My name is...
Hoeveel kost het? - How much is it?
Pardon - Excuse Me
Spreekt u Engels?- Do you speak English?
Ik spreek geen Nederlands - I don't speak Dutch
Spreekt er iemand Engels? - Does anyone speak english?
Ik begrijp het niet - I don't understand
Ik kom uit .. - I'm from...

Je regrette- I am sorry
bonjour = Hello
s'il vous pla - please
merci - thank you
Parlez-vous anglais? - Do you speak English?
Je ne parle pas français- I don't speak French
Répétez, s'il vous plait- Please Repeat
Mon nom est...- My name is
non- no
Où est la salle de bain?-Where is the bathroom
C'est combien?- How much does it cost
Au revoir- Good bye

Ciao- hello
Buongiorno - Good day
Buonasera - Good evening/afternoon - it is customary to use one of these greetings when entering small shops
Arrivederci - Goodbye
Per favore - Please
Grazie - Thank you
Mi Scusi - Excuse me
Parla inglese? - Do you speak English?
Non parlo italiano - I don't speak Italian
Dov'è il bagno? - Where's the bathroom
Quanto costa? - How much does it cost?
Mi chiamo... -I am called Non parlo l'italiano- I don't speak Italian
Mi dispiace- I am sorry