Friday, March 5, 2010

First day in Ireland

So we just got back to the hotel after visiting the Guinness Factory and Jameson Distillery. Poon is dieing. Not from the alcohol but from dehydration. Apparently he doesn't know that you are supposed to drink water. Go figure.

During the Jameson tour, there was a movie portion of it. Within 2 minutes, Poon fell asleep and then Milo fell asleep 1 minute later. I didn't even want to go to the Jameson Distillery, yet here I was, the only one awake. I had to hit Poon every couple of minutes cause he started snoring REALLY LOUD. There was one part where the movie got really quiet and Poon let out a snore that filled the entire room. I started laughing and then hit him. Good times.

Well I need to go back to the room now. I'm using the "Business Center" for internet. We are going to call it a night early today so that we can drive across the country for the Blarney Stone. Woot! I'm excited for that.

Oh yeah, Milo almost killed us today. We are driving on the left side of the road now. Milo likes to hug the left side of the road and almost hit this garbage truck. I was sitting shotgun and thought I was going to die. It was SOOO SCARY!!! I don't think Milo even knew how close we were to getting in an accident. We were literally an inch or two from hitting this parked truck. Maybe I'll drive tomorrow.
