The Trip so far is great! My foot hurts a little still so I need tough it out but painkillers have been helping and I've been walking it off. Weather has been sunny and nice (40ish degrees F). So, I have taken a few pics on my camera that I will share some highlights right now. More details will be added later. But for the time being ENJOY!

Ed at the natural history museum

Our first dinner...INDIAN FOOD!

Tom and Ed at Big Ben! Ed looks like he's getting raped by something...

Tom passed out on a bench...he was tired hahaha

Our first alcohol of the trip!

Avenue Q.... it was soo good we had to check....well I did Ed was prob okay.....
So as i'm writing is Tuesday 6:45 PM London Time. We have seen the following:
Natural History Musuem
Science Museum
Leicester Square
London Eye (at night)
Big Ben (at night)
Westminster Abbey (at night)
House of Parliament (at night)
Palace of Westminster (at night)
Changing of the guards - Buckingham Palace
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Avenue Q
Windsor Castle
and there is more to see! I'll update more later!