Sunday, March 7, 2010

London to LA

I realize that by the time this gets posted that I will already be back in LA.

My stupid phone just crashed and erased what I wrote and now that I'm on the plane I don't want to rewrite it all. Cliffnotes version it is.

We went through check-in and got put into a jail like area until we boarded the plane. We went through a "random search" because of Poon's dodgy eyes and Milo looking guilty.

The plane we are on is awesome. A340 with movies galore. "Where The Wild Things Are" breaks me. Watched 10mins of that movie and was ready to strangle the stupid little kid. I hate him just as much as Nurse Betty!

- Ed (Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone)

Back in LA

Just landed. Still on the plane but we're all alive. I watched 5 movies. Fame, Armored, Astro Boy, Up in the air, and Paper Heart. All good movies except Armored and Astro Boy. Armored is terrible and Astro Boy is boring. Well time to get ready to get off the plane and through customs.

- Ed (Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone)

Location:World Way,Los Angeles,United States

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Last Post from overseas

As much fun as it was in Ireland. This is our last night here. We head to the airport for a 7:50AM flight and will be back on US soil by the afternoon Sunday.

See ya then!

Friday, March 5, 2010

First day in Ireland

So we just got back to the hotel after visiting the Guinness Factory and Jameson Distillery. Poon is dieing. Not from the alcohol but from dehydration. Apparently he doesn't know that you are supposed to drink water. Go figure.

During the Jameson tour, there was a movie portion of it. Within 2 minutes, Poon fell asleep and then Milo fell asleep 1 minute later. I didn't even want to go to the Jameson Distillery, yet here I was, the only one awake. I had to hit Poon every couple of minutes cause he started snoring REALLY LOUD. There was one part where the movie got really quiet and Poon let out a snore that filled the entire room. I started laughing and then hit him. Good times.

Well I need to go back to the room now. I'm using the "Business Center" for internet. We are going to call it a night early today so that we can drive across the country for the Blarney Stone. Woot! I'm excited for that.

Oh yeah, Milo almost killed us today. We are driving on the left side of the road now. Milo likes to hug the left side of the road and almost hit this garbage truck. I was sitting shotgun and thought I was going to die. It was SOOO SCARY!!! I don't think Milo even knew how close we were to getting in an accident. We were literally an inch or two from hitting this parked truck. Maybe I'll drive tomorrow.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodbye London, Hello Dublin

Well its 6:10 am and we are packing to get on a plane to Dublin. Can't write much because I'm rushed for time but just wanted to let whoever is reading this that we are no longer in London. We'll be back to the States soon enough and then back to the grind. Hopefully, we can make the last two days spectacular. However, seeing as how we are going to the Guinness Factory, I'm not sure how much Poon and Milo will remember. We'll see. Ha ha. Till next time.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fish and Chips!

Okay we found some! This is one of the more sought after places...highly rated and not in the middle of tourist land.....we also had some in the town of Windsor too, but those pics aren't with me...

The restaurant we went to...

Plaice Fish and Chips

Cod Fish and Chips

Skate Fish and Chips

Fish and Chips are good, but i think we can eat other's not good to eat nothing but fried food all day...that is all for now...


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Casino or Arcade?

Let this be a lesson to you. You can spend 140 Pounds at the Casino and come home with nothing or you can spend 10 pounds at the arcade and come home with 4 keychains. Both take up an hour of your day. FYI, the arcade has hot Japanese girls playing Time Crisis 4 and the Casino, well mostly dudes and old ladies.


Paddington Bear!!!!!

On the way to Windsor Castle we found PADDINGTON BEAR!!!!!

Here is Tom and I with Mr Paddington! Just hanging out before we get on the train...

However, Ed has some sort of bear affection...or whatever you want to call it..

Here is the real Paddington Bear that we all know and love...but metal....


The Trip So Far....

The Trip so far is great! My foot hurts a little still so I need tough it out but painkillers have been helping and I've been walking it off. Weather has been sunny and nice (40ish degrees F). So, I have taken a few pics on my camera that I will share some highlights right now. More details will be added later. But for the time being ENJOY!

Ed at the natural history museum

Our first dinner...INDIAN FOOD!

Tom and Ed at Big Ben! Ed looks like he's getting raped by something...

Tom passed out on a bench...he was tired hahaha

Our first alcohol of the trip!

Avenue Q.... it was soo good we had to check....well I did Ed was prob okay.....

So as i'm writing is Tuesday 6:45 PM London Time. We have seen the following:

Natural History Musuem
Science Museum
Leicester Square
London Eye (at night)
Big Ben (at night)
Westminster Abbey (at night)
House of Parliament (at night)
Palace of Westminster (at night)
Changing of the guards - Buckingham Palace
Tower of London
Tower Bridge
Avenue Q
Windsor Castle

and there is more to see! I'll update more later!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Muppets are dirty

So I'm sitting here at intermission in Avenue Q. I didn't know what kind of musical it was but I do now... This is defintely not for the kiddies. It's really good so far. "The internet is for porn!" I would definitely recommend it to everyone, especially those that don't typically like musicals. Well back to the show. Then to a pub for fish & chips and a beer. Eww... beer but I'm in London so I'll have to drink one... maybe two. Probably one.. Ha ha.

- Ed (Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone)

Avenue Q!!!

Got tickets for Avenue Q tonight. It starts in a little over 2 hours from now. I'm excited. On a side note, they have Casinos here in London!!! Blackjack here I come.

Day 2

Just woke up. To my surprise, Milo and Poon have agreed to go to a musical here in London. In fact, it wasn't even my idea. They mentioned it and Of course I said yes. I'm leaning towards Avenue Q but they play a lot of stuff in London. Who knew London was such a happening place to be? ...Probably everyone actually but not me. Ha ha. Off to shower and find breakfast now.

- Ed (Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone)

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Ahh... What are these? How come they aren't green and there's an old lady on them. Must be a famous person's grandma... Well just got into our hotel. Kind of small but I'm not planning on being in here too long. So we have free wifi in our hotel which means we can blog and check email but our room doesn't get signal :( Well it's now 2pm London time (6am PST) We took the "tube" from the airport and then hoofed it in 40 degree weather to the hotel. Now time to go find something to eat and see London!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 27, 2010

On the plane

Finally on the plane. Woot! And we're off. Next stop London, where it's like 40 degrees! Arg!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:World Way,Los Angeles,United States

At the airport

At the airport waiting to board. Poon took out his sim card but brought it with him anyways. Not sure why he took it out. Weird. So now he's borrowing Milos phone when he could just put his back in. Why am I even writing this? I'm going to nap.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:El Manor Ave,Los Angeles,United States

Here we go

3 hours left to go. We're eating at red lobster because poon hasn't eaten here since he was a little kid. I got the fish and chips so I could compare them to real stuff in London. I'm sitting here at the table on my phone typing this so I'm going to stop. I think my food might be coming soon. -Ed

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Booked the car rental

We just booked a car rental for Ireland.... For 2 days.

Ed is making us drive across the country of Ireland (Flight and hotel are in Dublin) just to kiss the dam Blarney Stone...

My travel books tell me the Blarney Stone is a tourist trap, and it is rumored that drunk locals will pee on it night... but still this is not deterrent for Ed.

Thats 252 km to kiss a rock that is covered in lipstick and disease.... Literally we go across the country of Ireland twice in one day and keep in mind the day before we go I will be drinking nothing but Guiness and Jameson for approximately 12 straight hours and we are only in Ireland for 2 days!!!!

View Larger Map

After all that driving all you get is the gift of GAB.... we're not kissing it for goodluck it's for fucking GAB. Like Ed needs any more of that.

***(UPDATE) You'd think someone who was afraid of women (Poon) would want to get the "Gift of Gab". In this context, "Gift of Gab" refers to gaining a silver tongue (i.e. Having or exhibiting the power of fluent and persuasive speech; eloquent.) Sure Poon may tell a great story or two but when it comes to women... lets just hope the Blarney Stone works. -Ed***

Definition: source
(gb) Slang
To talk idly or incessantly, as about trivial matters.
n. Idle talk; chatter.

It costs us 16 euros for 2 days from (Ireland's Country specific Budget rental site) strangely if you try to make the reservation from it costs 3-4 times more.

Picking it up at Dublin airport right when we arrive, then dropping it off at the hotel (free parking)

We will be cruising in a Ford Festiva, Manual so I don't have to drive. It should be fun for Ed and Milo driving on the left side of the road, and on the right side of the car....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

List of sights you guys want to go to

Please edit and list the sights you want to go to here:

Sort it by City

Buckingham Palace
Tower of London
Big Ben
Palace of Westminster
Windsor Castle
Trafalgar Square
Westminster Abbey
St. Paul's Cathedral
A pub for fish and chips
Eat Beef Wellington
Borough market (street market)
British Museum
Shakespeare's Globe Theater
Royal Observatory & Greenwich
The British Library
Piccadilly Circus
Tower Bridge
Natural history Museum

Blarney Stone
Guinness Factory
Town of Kinsale
Cork English Market
The Old Jameson Distillery

Drive through Kilkenny on the way to Blarney Stone

Bars in Dublin:
The Cobbllestone

After we arrive in Dublin and drop off the car the only thing we are allowed to drink from then on is Guinness and Jameson

We've booked

So we booked our flights and hotel yesterday, a risky move since none of us actually had our PTO(Paid Time off) approved before making the reservation, but as of today at least I have my PTO approved.

Our total cost for 3 people for both international flights, intra city flight and hotel was $1,134.17 per a person booked from

Current itinerary has us flying on

Los Angeles to London
February 27th at 5:30pm direct flight to London Heathrow arriving Sunday Feb 28th at 11:50am

London to Dublin
then on March 5th we'll be flying into Dublin, Ireland taking off at 8:50am and arriving at 10am.

Dublin to LAX (via connecting flight)

Returning from Dublin to LAX on March 7th with a connecting flight at London Heathrow

Dublin to London Heathrow (7:50 am arriving at 9:10am)
London Heathrow to LAX (11:25am arriving at 2:55pm)

Our hotel in London is London Town about 2.5 miles from the city center

We rented a triple room there.... a 3 star hotel

In Dublin we will be staying at the Mount Herbert Hotel about 1.2 miles from the city center
It'll have free parking for our rental car.

3 star hotel, booked a triple room

Monday, February 1, 2010

Poon, Milo and Ed's Super UK trip

Announcing the planning of our second trip (for Ed and Poon), first trip for Milo across the Atlantic....

This will approx one week, tentatively planned for the first week of March only 4 weeks away!!!

Planning for 3 nights in London, and 3 nights in Dublin.

So the title of our blog has been updated to reflect our second Europe trip!