Thursday, March 4, 2010

Goodbye London, Hello Dublin

Well its 6:10 am and we are packing to get on a plane to Dublin. Can't write much because I'm rushed for time but just wanted to let whoever is reading this that we are no longer in London. We'll be back to the States soon enough and then back to the grind. Hopefully, we can make the last two days spectacular. However, seeing as how we are going to the Guinness Factory, I'm not sure how much Poon and Milo will remember. We'll see. Ha ha. Till next time.


1 comment:

  1. Tom is an over the hill drinker now. He's like a boxer with parkinsons after getting hit in the head too many times. I thought you knew about milo and his driving "skillz". All that need for speed didn't help.Edit2:06 pm
