Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Items we need

For Our trip to Europe.
Please add in the comments section all items suggested to bring.

I will consolidate this into a final list in a later post.

some possible items-



  1. 1. Compression bags for packing
    2. Money/Passport Belt
    3. Sheets for staying at hostel

  2. 4. TSA Approved Bottles (if you want to carry liquids on planes)
    5. Backpack Locks
    6. Sim Card
    7. cell Phone
    8. GPS
    9. MP3 Player
    10. Passport/Visa Documentation
    11. Hotel Confirmation Pages.
    12. Train Confirmation
    13. Flght Confirmation Paperwork.
    14. Camara
    15. SD Cards
    16. Towel
    17. Poncho/Umbrella
    18. Clothes (for both Formal and informal places)
    19. Shoes(for both Formal and informal places)
    20. Backpack
    21. Daypack
    22. Earplugs
    23. First Aid Kit (all medicines)
    24. Contact Lenses/Solution
    25. Glasses
    26. Toiletries (Toothbrush, razor, toothpaste, shampoo, soap)
    27. Towel
    28. Pen/Notepad
    29. Sandals
    30. Pillow (I'm going to steal from Airplane)
    31. Flashlight
    32. Electric Plug Adaptors

  3. 33. Regular sized lock for lockers in hostels. (Combination locks)
    34. Something with an alarmclock
    35. Playing Cards.
    36. Guidebooks
    37. Sun Glasses
    38. Water Bottle
    39. Rail Pass
    40. Vitamins (Since we may not eat right)
    41. Photocopies of all documentation
    42. Health Insurance cards
    43. Emergency Numbers.
    44. Deodorant
    45. Face Wash
    46. Chapstick
    47. Lotion
    48. Mirror
    49. SunBlock

  4. 50. Credit Card & Debit card with oversea drawing enabled
    51. Europe City maps
    52. scissor & small knife
    53. USB cable
    54. Sunscreen

  5. Remember scissors and small knife must be in checked luggage.
